Continuing Education Opportunities
The Pastoral Development Ministry provides periodic seminars, workshops and training that may be used for continuing education opportunities for ministers. Listed below are upcoming events as well as resources related to past events.
Ministerial Ethics – Healthy Boundaries Online Seminar (Online) 5 weeks
August 24, 31, Sept. 7, 14, 21, 2023; 6-8 p.m. (central). Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Coming Soon – 2023 Clergy Tax and Financial Health Seminary by Rev. Mark Hester (January 19, 2023).
Clergy Income Tax Seminar by Fouts & Morgan (CPA), Memphis, TN (held Nov. 16, 2021)
Video of Seminar (YouTube)
Q&A video of Seminar (YouTube)
Cumberland Reflections Presentations & Round Table Discussions
Visit the Cumberland Reflections webpage to view past presentations and round table discussions.
Reporting Continuing Education Units
The 191st General Assembly affirmed the need for Cumberland Presbyterian ministers to complete six (6) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every two (2) years. CEUs can be earned in a variety of ways and does not require approval ahead of time – “the 191st General Assembly approve that Continuing Education Units (CEUs) can be earned by participating in any event/seminar related to ministry(including degree programs).” (2022 General Assembly Minutes, page 137).
In addition, CEUs are to be report annually to the presbytery’s Committee on the Ministry/Preparation. To assist in this effort, below is a form that can be downloaded and used to report to presbyteries. There is also a link to an online form that can be used for recording CEUs. Presbytery committees can contact the PDMT office for a report of their ministers.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Beacon Health is the provider for this voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, and referral services to ministers (and family members living in the household) who have personal and/or ministry-related problems. EAPs address a broad and complex body of issues affecting mental and emotional well-being, such as family problems, workplace stress, grief, anxiety and depression, alcohol and substance abuse. This benefit is available to all ministers and probationers (including honorably retired ministers).
How to Access Counseling:
There are two options:
Talkspace Provider: this is for video, audio, live online sessions, or face-to-face counseling. You will complete a registration form. When it asks for “Organization Name” please put “Cumberland Presbyterian Church”. Once you have registered you will review information for the counselors such as education, certification, etc. Once you have found a provider that you think fits your needs, you can schedule an appointment.
Emotional Support: this is for virtual, phone or in-person counseling. You will answer a few assessment questions, then search for a provider in the same way as Talkspace. Once you have located a potential provider you can schedule an appointment online. If you desire an in-person session, you may be prompted to call their office.
In addition, don’t forget about the other resources available to you such as financial advise, legal advise and other topics. Click on the link below to get started.
When you are making an appointment:
Call: 866-950-7656, Choose Option #1 (for members)
1) You will receive a list of providers from Carelon.
2) You will then call the providers and schedule an appointment with one.
3) Call Carelon back to let them know that you have an appointment scheduled. They will give you an Authorization Number for billing purposes.
4) Call the provider and give them the Authorization Number to complete the scheduling of your appointment. The provider will call the same number (866-950-7656) and will choose Options #3, if they have questions.
Welcome Letter
Address Your Stress (flyer)
Work/Life Benefits Tip Sheet
Making Life Easier Tip Sheet

For more information check out the Pastor Development page below
Pam Phillips-Burk, Team Leader
Phone: 901.276.4572, x203